Software Services & Solutions
The image is abstract. Our approach to problem solving is concrete.

Tailored For Your Requirements
We take on the tougher jobs which require a more customized solution.

Customized Servers & Components
No cookie cutter hosting here. We have a shared customized platform for our smaller clients, but generally we steer our clients to a customized Virtual Private Server or Linux VPS. We value stability and a predictable platform above all else, so we currently deploy on CentOS. Our major web services components are all custom built to get exactly the features and compatibility required for your particular solution. Email, APIs, Secure Transactions, custom Integrations and tuned environments are just part of our services suite.

Site Development
We specialize in online environments running with PHP. That includes platforms like WordPress, Laravel, and Magento. We can develop e-commerce sites, CMS based sites, or pure custom solutions. It does not matter that you might be coming from Expression Engine, CodeIgniter, WooCommerce, or PrestaShop. Have you outgrown your Shopify or Wix environment and need to move to something you control? We have the experience and skills to bring to your problem and fix it.

Data Migrations
We often have customers that have an existing website. Or two. With integrations to other platforms, meaning several data repositories are in play. We have experience in charting a path forward to migrate, translate, collate, and filter different data sets from various platforms into a cohesive new platform. That includes user records, transactions, products and just plain old solid marketing content. When the data becomes unruly, we can create a plan of action that moves your project forward – with just about what-ever custom 1-off software development which could be necessary to get the job done. The idea is business continuity, with lowest possible drag.

It’s Different Here
Have you heard other software service providers say they were “Full Stack” or could create a custom solution or could migrate customer data or solve difficult integration problems? Have those same providers turned out to be a disappointment? It’s tough to know who to trust when everyone uses the same words to describe what they do.
We describe for you — in detail — how we can solve your problem, and then we follow through by doing what it takes to get the job done, every time. If it’s a challenge we haven’t yet solved, we are not afraid to say we do not know the answer (yet), but are equally unafraid to chart a workable solution.

Software Engineering
For an Anything Goes World
We are software engineers at heart. Our past projects have spanned the range of solutions from Typerocket WordPress combos, custom clickable parts ordering diagram schemes on a Magento commerce platform, and even printer drivers. We can create full on custom client server production oriented workflow software, commerce systems with a myriad input and output paths, transaction processing, and large scale data handling (read as millions of transactions per month). We are up to the task of creating your application, modifying your existing codebase, or implementing your software requirements on an open source package. We can probably un-hack your site or configure it to be a hard target in the first place, but we still won’t fix your printer, sorry.
Contact Us For An Evaluation
If we cannot build something for you, or suggest a course of action, that would be surprising.